The First-Time Full-Time Conference (FTFTC) is a two day event held at Georgian College's Owen Sound Campus.
Some years ago, the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board and the Bluewater District School Board realized that many senior students (Grade 11 and 12) were preparing for entry into the workforce, but they required certifications for employment. This program gives those students a leg up by providing them with an opportunity to take and complete a certification that allows them to get a full-time, part-time, or a summer job, which can also lead to a college education as well.
Certifications offered include:
Ag Grower Pesticide Safety
Ag Livestock Medicine
Behaviour Management Systems (BMS)
First Aid and CPR (C)
Fork Truck Operation
Lean Manufacturing
Mental Health First Aid
Introduction to SALT/Dementia Workshop
Safe Food Handling
Skid Steer Operation
Smart Serve
Traffic Control (Flagging)
Working at Heights
Eleven high schools from both school boards participated in last year's conference. Where time permitted, students were given a tour of the College's facilities.
Students are charged a nominal $20.00 participation fee which includes Certifications, manuals, transportation and lunch.
Comments from student participants...
“There was some classroom time, but most of our time was spent outside on a forklift. If it wasn't for this program, I would have had to find a company that would take me on and train
me. Now, I am fully qualified to operate a forklift. I also got to meet people I never
would have met before.”
– Nate, St. Mary's High School, Owen Sound
“This was my first time attending this conference. I took the First Aid and CPR
workshop. I learned a lot about how to take care of people and their injuries. The
instructors were very friendly and I would encourage other students to attend this
– Michael, Sacred Heart High School, Walkerton
" I got my smart serve certification at the First Time Full Time conference and that is how I landed my new job"
- Jamie, Peninsula Shores District School, Wiarton
"I enjoyed the conference last year. I received my High Five Certification and it was a great course. We learned lots of games and ideas for working with young kids. Now I use these skills in my co-op placement this semester."
- Karlee, Bruce Peninsula District School, Lion's Head
“First-Time Full-Time was an inspirational experience that taught me many great
life skills that will be helpful in my future career."
– Samantha, Sacred Heart High School, Walkerton
"FTFT is a good experience and opportunity to get skills and qualifications you need; plus the food is great!"
- Michelle, Chesley District High School, Chesley